Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Is AI Better Than Nothing? In Mental Health, Probably Yes

 In medical trials, "termination for benefit" allows a trial to be stopped early when the evidence of a drug’s effectiveness is so strong that it becomes unethical to continue withholding the treatment. Although this is rare—only 1.7% of trials are stopped for this reason—it ensures that life-saving treatments reach patients as quickly as possible.

This concept can be applied to the use of AI in addressing the shortage of counsellors and therapists for the nation's student population, which is facing a mental health crisis. Some are quick to reject the idea of AI-based therapy, upset by the notion of students talking to a machine instead of a human counselor. However, this reaction often lacks a careful weighing of the benefits. AI assistance, while not perfect, could provide much-needed support where human resources are stretched too thin.

Yes, there have been concerns, such as the story of Tessa, a bot that reportedly gave inappropriate advice to a user with an eating disorder. But focusing on isolated cases does not take into account the larger picture. Human therapists also make mistakes, and we do not ban the profession for it. AI, which is available around the clock and costs next to nothing, should not be held to a higher standard than human counselors. The real comparison is not between AI and human therapists, but between AI and the complete lack of human support that many students currently face. Let's also not forget that in some cultures, going to a mental health professional is still a taboo. Going to an AI is a private matter. 

I have personally tested ChatGPT several times, simulating various student issues, and found it consistently careful, thoughtful, and sensible in its responses. Instead of panicking over astronomically rare errors, I encourage more people to conduct their own tests and share any issues they discover publicly. This would provide a more balanced understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of AI therapy, helping us improve it over time. There is no equivalent of a true clinical trial, so some citizen testing would have to be done. 

The situation is urgent, and waiting for AI to be perfect before deploying it is not much of an option. Like early termination in medical trials, deploying AI therapy now could be the ethical response to a growing crisis. While not a replacement for human counselors, AI can serve as a valuable resource in filling the gaps that the current mental health system leaves wide open.

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