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Showing posts with label Curriculum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curriculum. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sidorkin Hypothesis: Beyond Procedural Fluency in AI-Augmented Instruction

The hypothesis is this: Quality AI-augmented instruction reduces emphasis on procedural skills while enhancing higher-order thinking and conceptual learning. This shift may offer an alternative pathway for cognitive offloading, which could supplement or even replace traditional procedural skills acquisition.

Cognitive load theory, developed by John Sweller in the 1980s, provides a useful framework. The theory posits that our working memory has limited capacity when dealing with new information. Sweller himself, along with many other cognitive scientists, views fluency in procedural skills as a major mechanism for cognitive offloading. When basic procedures become automatic through practice, they consume fewer working memory resources, thereby freeing up mental capacity for higher-order learning. This is why traditional education emphasizes mastering procedural skills—calculating derivatives, balancing chemical equations, applying grammatical rules—before tackling complex conceptual work.

In my view, AI tools function as an alternative cognitive offloading mechanism that can complement or even supersede traditional procedural fluency. These tools handle procedural tasks , creating cognitive space for students to engage with concepts at a deeper level without first developing procedural automaticity. Consider a student learning calculus: traditionally, substantial mental resources are dedicated to memorizing differentiation rules and practicing their application. With AI assistance handling these procedural aspects, the student can direct cognitive resources toward understanding conceptual foundations—what derivatives actually represent, how they relate to real-world phenomena, and when different approaches should be applied.

This approach necessitates reimagining assessment. Traditional writing instruction heavily rewards procedural accuracy in grammar, citation formats, and structural conventions, but in an AI-augmented educational landscape, assessment must evolve to measure the ability to prompt AI tools effectively, the quality of critical analysis, application of rhetorical strategies in novel contexts, and evaluation of AI-generated text. The focus shifts from "Can you properly format this essay?" to "Can you determine which rhetorical approach best suits your purpose, interpret complex texts critically, and evaluate whether the AI-generated analysis captures the deeper meaning of the work being examined?"

This transformation faces substantial challenges. Educators rightfully question whether students can truly grasp concepts without some level of procedural fluency. it is likely that some basic  procedural knowledge remains necessary for conceptual understanding. The optimal approach involves thoughtful integration—using AI to reduce procedural load while ensuring students develop core competencies. To put it roughly, "procedural knowledge - yes, procedural fluency - not, really."  

The equalizing potential of AI-augmented instruction cannot be overlooked. Students who traditionally struggle with procedural aspects—whether due to learning differences, educational disruptions, or lack of prior opportunities—may find themselves able to participate more fully in higher-order learning. This democratization of advanced conceptual engagement could elevate educational outcomes across diverse student populations. We stand at the threshold of potentially transforming education from a system that sorts students based on procedural proficiency to one that cultivates universally richer, more advanced learning outcomes: deeper critical analysis, more sophisticated problem formulation, nuanced ethical reasoning, and creative synthesis across domains—intellectual capabilities that more authentically reflect the complex demands of contemporary society.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Form-substance discrimination, a new learning outcome

We have long assumed that clear writing signals clear thinking. Schools teach writing as if it were math - a rigorous exercise that develops logical thinking. Editors catch not just errors but muddled ideas. Or so the theory goes. Artificial intelligence shatters this comfortable assumption by churning out impeccably structured prose devoid of original thought.

Form-substance discrimination represents a higher-order cognitive skill, similar to what art historians develop when they learn to separate technical mastery from creative vision. Just as an art student must unlearn their initial attraction to photorealistic paintings, readers now must develop resistance to seductively clear prose. This requires a kind of cognitive inhibition - the ability to suppress immediate aesthetic pleasure for the sake of deeper analysis.

The skill builds on existing metacognitive abilities but requires their novel application. Readers already know how to identify main ideas, analyze arguments, and evaluate evidence. What is new is the need to perform these operations while actively discounting the surface appeal of the text. This resembles what wine tasters do when they evaluate wines blind, stripped of prestigious labels and beautiful bottles.

The development follows a predictable pattern. At first, readers struggle to overcome their ingrained respect for well-crafted prose. The initial challenge lies not in identifying weak ideas but in giving oneself permission to criticize a text that follows all the rules of good writing. This mirrors the development of critical thinking in general, where students must learn to question authority figures who appear competent and confident.

The second stage involves developing specific techniques for idea extraction. Readers learn to create idea maps independent of the text's structure, to count unique concepts rather than words, to identify circular arguments hidden behind elegant transitions. They begin to see how AI-generated text often creates an illusion of logical flow while merely restating the same point in different words.

The final stage brings automaticity. Experienced readers develop an immediate sense of a text's intellectual weight, just as experienced teachers can quickly gauge a student's understanding despite fluent recitation. This involves pattern recognition built through exposure to many examples of both substantive and hollow texts.

The educational implications are significant. Writing instruction must now explicitly separate craft from content. Students need exposure to both well-written texts with weak ideas and poorly written texts with strong ideas. They must practice identifying when sophisticated language masks conceptual poverty and when rough expression contains genuine insight.

This shift parallels broader changes in how we process information. In a world of information abundance, the key skill is no longer finding or producing well-formed content but discerning its value. Form-substance discrimination represents a specific case of this general challenge - learning to navigate a world where traditional quality signals no longer reliably indicate underlying worth.

The skill matters beyond academia. Business leaders reading AI-generated reports, citizens evaluating political arguments, professionals studying their field's literature - all need to separate rhetorical sophistication from intellectual contribution. As AI writing tools improve, this ability will become as fundamental as basic literacy.

We face a paradox: the better AI becomes at writing, the more important it becomes for humans to see through good writing. The very perfection of AI-generated prose creates a new kind of opacity that readers must learn to penetrate. Form-substance discrimination thus emerges not just as an academic skill but as a key component of modern critical thinking.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Augmented Problem Finding: The Next Frontier in AI Literacy

In my recent blog on task decomposition as a key AI skill, I highlighted how breaking down complex problems enables effective human-AI collaboration. Yet before we can decompose a task, we must identify which problems are worth pursuing - a skill that takes on new dimensions in the age of AI.

This ability to recognize solvable problems expands dramatically with AI tools at our disposal. Tasks once considered too time-consuming or complex suddenly become manageable. The cognitive offloading that AI enables does not just help us solve existing problems - it fundamentally reshapes our understanding of what constitutes a tractable challenge.

Consider how VisiCalc transformed financial planning in the early 1980s. Initially seen as a mere automation tool for accountants, it revolutionized business planning by enabling instant scenario analysis. Tasks that would have consumed days of manual recalculation became instantaneous, allowing professionals to explore multiple strategic options and ask "what if" questions they would not have contemplated before. Similarly, AI prompts us to reconsider which intellectual tasks we should undertake. Writing a comprehensive literature review might have once consumed months; with AI assistance, scholars can now contemplate more ambitious syntheses of knowledge.

This expanded problem space creates its own paradox. As more tasks become technically feasible, the challenge shifts to identifying which ones merit attention. The skill resembles what cognitive psychologists call "problem finding," but with an important twist. Traditional problem finding focuses on identifying gaps or needs. Augmented problem finding requires understanding both human and AI capabilities to recognize opportunities in this enlarged cognitive landscape.

The distinction becomes clear in professional settings. Experienced AI users develop an intuitive sense of which tasks to delegate and which to tackle themselves. They recognize when a seemingly straightforward request actually requires careful human oversight, or when an apparently complex task might yield to well-structured AI assistance. This judgment develops through experience but could be taught more systematically.

The implications extend beyond individual productivity. Organizations must now cultivate this capacity across their workforce. The competitive advantage increasingly lies not in having access to AI tools - these are becoming ubiquitous - but in identifying novel applications for them. This explains why some organizations extract more value from AI than others, despite using similar technologies.

Teaching augmented problem finding requires a different approach from traditional problem-solving instruction. Students need exposure to varied scenarios where AI capabilities interact with human judgment. They must learn to recognize patterns in successful AI applications while developing realistic expectations about AI limitations. Most importantly, they need practice in identifying opportunities that emerge from combining human and machine capabilities in novel ways.

The skill also has ethical dimensions. Not every task that can be automated should be. Augmented problem finding includes judging when human involvement adds necessary value, even at the cost of efficiency. It requires balancing the technical feasibility of AI solutions against broader organizational and societal impacts.

As AI capabilities evolve, this skill will become increasingly crucial. The future belongs not to those who can best use AI tools, but to those who can best identify opportunities for their application. This suggests a shift in how we think about AI literacy - from focusing on technical proficiency to developing sophisticated judgment about when and how to engage AI capabilities.

The automation paradox that Lisanne Bainbridge identified in her 1983 analysis of industrial systems points to an interesting future. As we become more adept at augmented problem finding, we discover new challenges that merit attention. This creates a virtuous cycle of innovation, where each advance in AI capability opens new frontiers for human creativity and judgment.

Perhaps most intriguingly, this skill might represent a distinctly human advantage in the age of AI. While machines excel at solving well-defined problems, the ability to identify worthy challenges remains a uniquely human capability. By developing our capacity for augmented problem finding, we ensure a meaningful role for human judgment in an increasingly automated world.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Task Decomposition, a core AI skill

The effective use of artificial intelligence depends on our ability to structure problems in ways that align with both human and machine capabilities. While AI demonstrates remarkable computational abilities, its effectiveness relies on carefully structured input and systematic oversight. This suggests that our focus should shift toward understanding how to break down complex tasks into components that leverage the respective strengths of humans and machines.

Task decomposition - the practice of breaking larger problems into manageable parts - predates AI but takes on new significance in this context. Research in expertise studies shows that experienced problem-solvers often approach complex challenges by identifying distinct components and their relationships. This natural human tendency provides a framework for thinking about AI collaboration: we need to recognize which aspects of a task benefit from computational processing and which require human judgment.

The interaction between human users and AI systems appears to follow certain patterns. Those who use AI effectively tend to approach it as a collaborative tool rather than a complete solution. They typically work through multiple iterations: breaking down the problem, testing AI responses, evaluating results, and adjusting their approach. This mirrors established practices in other domains where experts regularly refine their solutions through systematic trial and error.

Consider the task of writing a research paper. Rather than requesting a complete document from AI, a more effective approach involves breaking down the process: developing an outline, gathering relevant sources, analyzing specific arguments, and integrating various perspectives. Similarly, in data analysis, success often comes from methodically defining questions, selecting appropriate datasets, using AI for initial pattern recognition, and applying human expertise to interpret the findings.

This collaborative approach serves two purposes. First, it helps manage complexity by distributing cognitive effort across human and machine resources. Second, it maintains human oversight of the process while benefiting from AI's computational capabilities. The goal is not to automate thinking but to enhance it through structured collaboration.

Current educational practices have not yet fully adapted to this reality. While many institutions offer technical training in AI or discuss its ethical implications, fewer focus on teaching systematic approaches to human-AI collaboration. Students need explicit instruction in how to break down complex tasks and document their decision-making processes when working with AI tools.

To address this gap, educational programs could incorporate several key elements:

  1. Practice in systematic task analysis and decomposition
  2. Training in structured approaches to AI interaction
  3. Documentation of decision-making processes in AI-assisted work
  4. Critical evaluation of AI outputs and limitations
  5. Integration of human expertise with AI capabilities

The emergence of AI tools prompts us to examine our own cognitive processes more explicitly. As we learn to structure problems for AI collaboration, we also develop a clearer understanding of our own problem-solving approaches. This suggests that learning to work effectively with AI involves not just technical skills but also enhanced metacognition - thinking about our own thinking.

The future of human-AI collaboration likely depends less on technological advancement and more on our ability to develop systematic approaches to task decomposition. By focusing on this fundamental skill, we can work toward more effective integration of human and machine capabilities while maintaining the critical role of human judgment and oversight.

These observations and suggestions should be treated as starting points for further investigation rather than definitive conclusions. As we gather more evidence about effective human-AI collaboration, our understanding of task decomposition and its role in this process will likely evolve. The key is to maintain a balanced approach that recognizes both the potential and limitations of AI while developing structured methods for its effective use. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Is Critical Thinking Going Extinct? Maybe That's Not Bad

As someone who remembers using paper maps and phone books, I find myself fascinated by Michael Gerlich's new study in Societies about AI's impact on our cognitive skills. Those of us who learned to navigate by landmarks and memorized phone numbers often bemoan younger generations' reliance on digital tools. But perhaps we are missing something important about cognitive evolution.

Gerlich's research is methodologically elegant. Through surveys and interviews with 666 participants, he documents a decline in traditional critical thinking skills among frequent AI users. The data analysis is rigorous - multiple regression, ANOVA, random forest regression - showing clear correlations between AI tool usage and reduced traditional analytical thinking.

But here's where I think Gerlich misses a crucial insight. The study measures critical thinking through metrics developed for a pre-AI world. It's like judging modern urban survival skills by the standards of hunter-gatherer societies. Those ancient peoples could track game, identify countless plants, and navigate vast territories without maps. By their standards, most of us would be considered cognitively impaired.

What we're witnessing is not cognitive decline but cognitive adaptation. Today's "critical thinking" is not about solving problems independently - it's about effective human-AI collaboration. It's about knowing when to trust AI and when to question it, how to frame queries effectively, and how to combine AI insights with human judgment.

The educational implications are profound. Instead of lamenting the loss of traditional cognitive skills, we should focus on developing "AI-literate critical thinking." Sure, I can still read a map, but my children need to master skills I never dreamed of - like crafting effective prompts for AI systems or critically evaluating AI-generated content.

The old form of critical thinking might be fading, like the ability to start a fire by friction or navigate by stars. But a new form is emerging, better suited to our technological reality. Our task is not to resist this evolution but to guide it wisely.

What do you think? Are we really losing something irreplaceable, or are we just adapting to a new cognitive environment?

Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Curriculum Illusion: How AI Exposes Long-Standing Educational Flaws

Artificial intelligence is often blamed for disrupting education, but it has created few new problems. Instead, it exposes existing flaws, bringing them into stark relief. Among these is the arbitrary nature of curriculum design, an issue that has long been hidden behind tradition and consensus. The sequences and structures of formal education are not based on objective logic or evidence but on habit and convenience. AI did not cause this; it is simply making these issues more visible.

Curriculum theory has never provided a robust framework for sequencing knowledge. Beyond the essentials of literacy and numeracy, where developmental progression is more or less clear, the rationale for curricular order becomes murky. Why are algebra and geometry taught in a particular order? Why more algebra than statistics is taught? Why are some historical periods prioritized over others? The answers lie in tradition and precedent rather than in any coherent theoretical justification. The assumptions about foundational skills, so central to curriculum logic, do not extend well beyond the basics. For advanced skills like critical, creative, or discerning thinking, the idea of prerequisites becomes less justified. Mid-range procedural skills like writing mechanics or computational fluency are frequently used as gatekeepers, though their role in fostering higher-order thinking is often overstated or misunderstood. 

For example, in middle school students are often subjected to a torrent of tasks that serve little developmental purpose. Much of what students do in these years amounts to busywork, designed more to keep them occupied and compliant than to foster meaningful learning. The situation is no better in higher education. College and graduate programs are often constructed around professional or disciplinary standards that themselves are arbitrary, built on consensus rather than evidence. These norms dictate course sequences and learning objectives but rarely align with the actual developmental or professional needs of students. The result is a system full of redundancies and inefficiencies, where tasks and assignments exist more to justify the structure than to serve the learner.

Education as a profession bears much of the responsibility for this state of affairs. Despite its long history, it lacks a disciplined, founded approach to curriculum design. Instead, education relies on an uneasy mix of tradition, politics, and institutional priorities. Curriculum committees and accrediting bodies often default to consensus-driven decisions, perpetuating outdated practices rather than challenging them. The absence of a rigorous theoretical framework for curriculum design leaves the field vulnerable to inertia and inefficiency.

AI did not create this problem, but it is illuminating it in uncomfortable ways. The displacement of certain procedural mid-range skills shows how poorly structured many learning sequences are and how little coherence exists between tasks and their intended outcomes. Yet, while AI can diagnose these flaws, it cannot solve them. The recommendations it offers depend on the data and assumptions it is given. Without a strong theoretical foundation, AI risks exposing the problem without solving it.

What AI provides is an opportunity, not a solution. It forces educators and policymakers to confront the arbitrary nature of curriculum design and to rethink the assumptions that underpin it. Massive curricular revision is urgently needed, not only to eliminate inefficiencies but also to realign education with meaningful developmental goals. This will require abandoning tasks that lack purpose, shifting focus from intermediary to higher-order skills, designing learning experiences to reflect the shift. It will also mean questioning the professional and disciplinary standards that dominate higher education and asking whether they truly serve learners or simply perpetuate tradition.

AI is revealing what has long been true: education has been operating on shaky foundations. The challenge now is to use this visibility to build something better, to replace the old traditions and arbitrary standards with a system that is logical, evidence-based, and focused on learning. The flaws were always there. AI is just making them harder to ignore.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Why We Undervalue Ideas and Overvalue Writing

A student submits a paper that fails to impress stylistically yet approaches a worn topic from an angle no one has tried before. The grade lands at B minus, and the student learns to be less original next time. This pattern reveals a deep bias in higher education: ideas lose to writing every time.

This bias carries serious equity implications. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds, including first-generation college students, English language learners, and those from under-resourced schools, often arrive with rich intellectual perspectives but struggle with academic writing conventions. Their ideas - shaped by unique life experiences and cultural viewpoints - get buried under red ink marking grammatical errors and awkward transitions. We systematically undervalue their intellectual contributions simply because they do not arrive in standard academic packaging.

Polished academic prose renders judgments easy. Evaluators find comfort in assessing grammatical correctness, citation formats, and paragraph transitions. The quality of ideas brings discomfort - they defy easy measurement and often challenge established thinking. When ideas come wrapped in awkward prose, they face near-automatic devaluation.

AI writing tools expose this bias with new clarity. These tools excel at producing acceptable academic prose - the mechanical aspect we overvalue. Yet in generating truly original ideas, AI remains remarkably limited. AI can refine expression but cannot match the depth of human insight, creativity, and lived experience. This technological limitation actually highlights where human creativity becomes most valuable.

This bias shapes student behavior in troubling ways. Rather than exploring new intellectual territory, students learn to package conventional thoughts in pristine prose. The real work of scholarship - generating and testing ideas - takes second place to mastering academic style guides. We have created a system that rewards intellectual safety over creative risk, while systematically disadvantaging students whose mastery of academic conventions does not match their intellectual capacity.

Changing this pattern requires uncomfortable shifts in how we teach and evaluate. What if we graded papers first without looking at the writing quality? What if we asked students to submit rough drafts full of half-formed ideas before cleaning up their prose? What if we saw AI tools as writing assistants that free humans to focus on what they do best - generating original insights and making unexpected connections?

The rise of AI makes this shift urgent. When machines can generate polished prose on demand, continuing to favor writing craft over ideation becomes indefensible. We must learn to value and develop what remains uniquely human - the ability to think in truly original ways, to see patterns others miss, to imagine what has never existed. The future belongs not to the best writers but to the most creative thinkers, and our educational practices must evolve to reflect this reality while ensuring all students can fully contribute their intellectual gifts. 

The Modern Confessional: AI Disclosure as Ritual

  Organizations across academia and publishing now routinely demand confession of AI use. Publishers require authors to disclose whether AI ...